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Newsletter for Friday 17 May 2024

Please see our news from across the week !

Author Visit

We are really pleased that author and illustrator, Nina De la Mare, will be visiting our school on Thursday 23rd May. She will be running workshops with Class 2,3 and 4 in the afternoon, in which the author will introduce her book 'Darian's Gifts' and talk about the messages within the book. This will be followed by some dragon art with the children. The artwork will be judged by the author and the winner will receive a signed copy of Darian’s Gifts’.

We would like to invite you into school at 3:15pm to browse her book selections and make any purchase, should you wish to. Tea and coffee will be available for a small donation.

Year 6 SATs

Well done to our year 6 pupils who demonstrated amazing maturity and resilience during the SATs exams! We are very proud of you all!

Term 5

Thursday 23 May 2024 – Class 1 Attenborough Assembly for Parents at 2:50 pm

Thursday 23 May 2024 – Author visit, parents are welcome at 3:15pm

Friday 24 May 2024 – Last Day of Term/ Last day of year 5 swimming Lessons

Term 6

Monday 03 June 2024 – First Day of Term 3

Celebration Assembly

Esmae for fantastic participation during writing and using phonics to spell.

Dylan for excellent resourcefulness when using phonics to spell.

Misha for working with great purpose and demonstrating good behaviour all week!

Ezra for good reflectiveness while working with patterns and sequences in mathematics.

Millie-Joy for displaying all of the school values when tackling the challenges of learning. She is also extremely self-motivated and her work is constantly presented to the very highest standard. An incredible pupil.

All year 6 for demonstrating resilience, perseverance and purpose throughout their SATs tests.

After School Sports Clubs

After-school sports clubs started the week beginning 22 April 2024.  If you would like your child to attend an after-school sports club, please contact the school office.  We can only, safely, accommodate 15 pupils per club, so the places will be issued on a first come, first serve basis.  Reception children are unable to attend.  Children that would like to attend Football club MUST bring football boots and shin pads in order to participate in football club. 

Please see the clubs below and the year groups they are available to:

Monday – Multi-Sports open to years 1 - 6

Tuesday – Gymnastics open to years 1 - 6

Wednesday – Football open to years 3 – 6 – Football boots and shin pads must be worn

Thursday – Athletics open to years 1 - 6

Friday – Dance open to years 1 – 6

All sports clubs finish at 4.15pm and all children must be collected by an adult.

School Uniform

The school uniform is as follows:

Black/Grey Trousers/Shorts/Skirt/Dresses

Blue/Red/Marron/Green Polo T-shirt

Blue/Red/Marron/Green logoed Jumper/Hoodie/Cardigan

Black/Grey Socks/Tights

Black Shoes (no heels, boots or trainers)

These items can be purchased from any retailer or through The Schoolwear Centre. 

You can order the uniform through ‘The Schoolwear Centre’ by calling them on 01843 293555 or visiting their website.

P.E. Kit is as follows:

Blue/Red/Marron/Green plain T-shirt

Black Shorts/Tracksuit style bottoms


Please could all children bring their P.E. kit into school where they will leave it in their locker.  On P.E. days children will change in class for their P.E. lesson.  Of course, we will ensure that children bring their P.E. kit home at the end of the terms to be washed.

A Polite Reminder

Please can you ensure that if your child brings a water bottle into school, that it contains only water to be sipped throughout the day.  Of course, children may bring in juice/squash to have at lunchtime to have with their lunch.

Breakfast Club

We shall be operating our breakfast club as normal.  We would like to remind parents to book their child’s place the day before.  We have had a number of children arrive at the club without notice. 

We also ask that you accompany your child/ren to the breakfast club entrance.

Reading Incentive

The children continue to engage in our new reading incentive to encourage reading for pleasure, both at home and in school.  Please see our Facebook page for photographs of children selecting their gifts. We should be grateful if you could remind children of the incentive and encourage them to read for a period of time in the evening and weekends.  Books read at home will need your signature please.  Once your child returns to school, they will be given a raffle ticket for each book they have read which will be posted in the class raffle box.

School Dinners

Please use the link below to view a guide on how to order your child’s school dinner.


Driving onto the School Site

Under our safeguarding rules, we have a duty to control the public access to our site.

Under our risk assessment, we have a duty to control the movement of vehicles on our site.

For insurance purposes, we are required to limit vehicular access to staff, essential visitors and – under certain circumstances - blue badge holders.

Access to the school is clearly signposted to notify all non-essential visitors that they must not drive on site.

Essential visitors are required to make prior arrangements with the school.

Any parent/guardian driving their vehicle on to our secure site, without prior agreement, is trespassing, and their insurance will be invalid.

Knowingly, ignoring our rules is therefore putting staff and pupils at risk. Should an accident occur, the driver will not be covered by their insurance.

Finally, the school gates and car park are checked periodically by our caretaker. Anyone ignoring our rules, could find themselves delayed for some time and inconvenienced by not being able to leave the site.

We would therefore appreciate your cooperation in keeping our staff and pupils safe whilst they are at school.

Bikes and Scooters on the school site

Could we ask that children who ride their bikes or scooters into school, push them up to the bike rack once they are on the school grounds and push them back down to the pedestrian gate after school.  We have had a couple of instances whereby younger children have nearly been hit by children riding their bikes and scooters down the hill.

Home packed lunch

Just a polite reminder that no sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks are permitted in children’s packed lunches.

If your child has a yoghurt in their packed lunch, please remember to pack a spoon in there too.

Wellington Boots

Please can you ensure that all children have a pair of wellington boots in school with them.  Every class will attend the Woodland Area for a weekly planned lesson and it can be muddy depending on the weather.

Free School Meals

If you have access to the internet and would like to apply online for Free School Meals, please use the following website:

Late arrival at school

When your child arrives late at school, he/she misses the teacher's instructions, their morning task and possibly the introduction to the mathematics lesson. Your child may also feel embarrassed at having to enter the classroom late. School begins at 09.00am.  Please help your child to be punctual.

School opening hours

08.45am - 3.15pm

School Office opening hours








ws story here.