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Sports Day Thursday 20 June 2024

Please see the letter regarding Sports Day

Dear Parents

Whole School Sports Day on Thursday 20 June 2024.

We are looking forward to our Sports Day this year – another opportunity for the community to get together.  The pupils have chosen all our sports day events and selected the theme of our team names- Euro 2024 countries!

Our school gates will open at 9.45am so that you can select your picnic space around the edge of our field.  Events will begin at 10:00 and at 10:40am the children will have a short comfort break. They will then resume from 11:00 and finish the carousel events at 11:40. At this point we will ring a bell, which will signal all children to line up with their class teacher.  We will take the children in to school to use the toilet and wash their hands before joining you for the picnic.  The picnic will run from 12:00 until 12:40. During this time, and across the whole day, we would like to remind all visitors that smoking and drinking alcohol is not permitted on the school grounds.

At 12:40 we will ring the bell which will again signal all children to join their class teacher. We will take them inside to carry out afternoon registration.  The class running races will begin at 1pm and finish with mums’ and dads’ running races – the children always look forward to this part of the day!

Children who are entitled to a free school meal will be provided with a school packed lunch; if your child does not receive a free school meal, but you would like them to have a school packed lunch, please inform the school office by Wednesday, 12 June 2024.  No hot lunches will be provided on the day.

Please can all pupils come to school wearing their PE kit. If they are missing a school PE t-shirt, then they can wear their normal school t-shirt instead.  

As the weather may be hot, please can you apply plenty of sun cream to your child/children before school and send them in with a sun hat.  If you are not able to attend sports day, please ensure that they have sun cream that they can apply throughout the day. We would like your support in reminding your child not to share their sun cream with anyone else. 

Please bring some pennies with you.  Cold drinks, tea and coffee, lollies and bags of sweets will be sold if you wish to purchase some.

Once the winners of the events have been announced, all children will return to their classes to be dismissed in the normal way. If the Sports Day finishes early and you would like to take your child, please wait for them outside their classrooms as normal. There will be no afterschool clubs on this day.

Please see below an outline of the day. Please be aware that these are rough timings and they may need to be adjusted on the day. 

10am – 10:40am – carousel of sport activities

10:40am – 11.00am – comfort break for the children

11.00am – 11.40pm - carousel of sports activities

11.40pm – 12.00pm – comfort break for the children

12.00pm – 12.40pm – family picnic lunch

12.40pm – 1pm – afternoon registration

1pm – races commence
Finally, an important housekeeping message: the main school will be closed to parents for Safeguarding. The guest toilet facilities in the main entrance (School Foyer) will be available to accommodate all parents.

For additional safeguarding purposes, please ensure that all younger siblings are with an adult at all times during the day and are not left unattended.  The playground equipment will be out of bounds also for additional safety. 

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday to cheer on all the children in school.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Jacky Cox
