Summer Fayre Thursday 18 July 20204

Please see the letter regarding Summer Fayre.
Dear Parents,
Due to the success of our Summer Fayre and the requests of many parents and children, we are planning to hold another Summer Fayre on Thursday 18 July 2024. The fayre will take place on the school playground and field and, will run from
1.30- 3.30pm.
All children will need to be collected at 1.20pm. Due to the early finish, we will not allow any child to walk home alone that day. Children will be collected from the breakfast club entrance, at the back of the school hall, where their class teacher will dismiss them. If you are unable to collect your child at 1.20pm, please inform the school, with prior notice, who will be collecting them.
We hope to see you all at the fayre where there will be stalls, games, refreshments, a tombola, ice-cream van and many other things on offer for the children to enjoy. All money raised will go towards resources for the children.
In order for the fayre to run, we would please ask for your support. We will be holding two non-uniform days in the lead up to the fayre in return for donations for our tombola.
These will be held on Friday 28 June and Friday 05 July 2024.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Jacky Cox