Summer Fayre 18 July 2024

Please see the information regarding the Summer Fayre.
Date: Thursday 18th July 2024
Time: from 1.30- 3.30.
Arrangements for the day of the fayre
Children will be required to attend school in the usual way on the morning of Thursday 18th July. The children will be able to have school dinners and lunch in school as they normally would.
However, school will close to ALL children at 1.20pm on the day of the fayre. All children will need to be collected by parents at this time. If another adult will be collecting your child at 1.20, please could you let the office know in the usual way. NO CHILDREN WILL BE ALLOWED TO WALK HOME ALONE AT THIS TIME.
All children will be dismissed at 1.20pm from the doors at the back of the school hall, as they were last year.
Where and when is the fayre in the afternoon?
The fayre will be held on the playground and the field. The playground gates will open at 1.30pm.
There will be lots of exciting things to do at the fayre including:
candy floss, ice cream, refreshments, games, a bouncy castle, raffle, tombola, tattoos, football dart board, football speed scorer, welly wanging.
We will not be taking money at the stalls. We will be operating a token system, which will make queueing at stalls much simpler and hopefully will reduce wait times at the stalls.
This is a sample token:
There will be a table as you arrive which will be giving these out in exchange for cash- Mrs English will be at this table. Tokens will be available in £2, £3 and £5. (Tokens will also be available to buy at the refreshments stall). Tokens will be available at these two locations for the duration of the fayre, so you can go back at any point to purchase more.
You will take these tokens around with you and present them at each stall. If you are spending 50p, the adult running the stall will cross off one of the 50p’s. If you are spending £1, they will cross off two of your 50p’s etc.
Pre-buying tokens
If you wish to avoid queuing at the start of the fayre for tokens, the school office will have tokens available from Monday 15th July to pre-purchase.
Safety at the fayre
Just a polite reminder to parents that the children will be their responsibility during the school fayre and we would please ask parents to closely supervise their children at all times, in order to keep everyone safe.
Children will need to follow school staff instructions/safety rules when taking part in games/on the bouncy castle etc. If children are not behaving in a safe way, they may not be able to continue with the activity/game. This is for the safety of everyone.
We also like to remind parents that smoking/vaping on the school site is not allowed anywhere and no alcohol is allowed to be brought on to or consumed on the premises.
First Aid- if anyone does require First Aid during the fayre, there will be a First Aid point at the same place as the token exchange table (with Mrs English).
If the weather is warm, please remember to bring sun cream, hats and drink plenty of fluids!
Additional stalls and ice-cream van
There will be a few additional stalls that are not being run by school staff. These stalls will be cash only, as will the ice-cream van so you may wish to keep a little cash just for these stalls.
Please come along and support this community event! We look forward to seeing you there!